Galyna_Andrushko/Envato Elements
A word you use to describe something of extraordinary size, amount or significance.
Translation: Extraordinary, massive, abundant.
Possible Literal Meanings: No chain; Defiantly [large] oak tree
Example 1
Mesye! Josue te peche yon kokenchenn pwason nan lanmè a jodi a!
Man! Josue caught a staggering amount of fish today.
Example 2
Leomene pra l fè yon kokennchenn manje demen. Fòk ou vin manje avèk nou.
Leomene will cook a bunch of of food tomorrow. You need to come eat with us.
Fun Facts
Although the exact origin of this expression is uncertain, there's an outside chance that kokennchenn has the following origins:
1. It may come frrom the French words Qu'aucune chaîne, which mean no chain. The deeper meaning is no limit or without restraints
So, it is not surprising this Haitian Creole expression means something that is of seemingly impossible size or significance.
2. It may also come from the French words coquin and chêne. The French word coquin means mischievous, defiant or sly, and the French word chêne means an oak tree, which can be quite large.
So, when taken literally, it's not surprising that the Creole expression kokennchenn (coquinchenne) can mean a defiantly or unbelieveably large oak tree.
The deeper meaning of course is something of great siginifcance or size.