YuriArcursPeopleimageso/Envato Elements
Kapon viv lontan
Being cautious or careful is a protection for you.
Translation: Cowards live a long time / long life
Literal Meaning: Cowards live long time
Example 1
M pral nan makèt la yon lòt lè. Gen twòp lapli deyò a. Kapon viv lontan.
I am going to the market another time. There's too much rain outside. Better be safe than sorry.
Example 2
Lakou a ka gen chen mechan. M ap tann mèt kay la ouvri pòtay la pou nou. Kapon viv lontan
The yard may have vicious dogs. I'll wait for the owner of the house to open the gate for us. Caution is the parent of safety.
Who is the Coward?
The word kapon or coward comes from the fact that some people may think you are weak or a coward when you are careful and don't take unecessary risks.
Of course, in reality, being cautious or a "coward" is a protection.
A key lesson of this proverb is that being cautious and recognizing your limits is not a sign of weakness, but is instead a protection.