vvaleriygoncharukphoto/Envato Elements
Mache S-S!
To make someone submissive or more compliant to listen.
Translation: Walk in an S, zigzag path or pattern
Lteral Meaning: Walk S-S
Example 1
Kèt! Ti gason sa a frekan! M t ap fè l mache s-s si m te manman l.
Wow! This boy is so rude! I would make him strictly obey if I were his mother.
Example 2
Nouvo patwon sa a pa jwe non. Li fè tout moun nan travay la mache s-s
This new boss doesn't play! He makes everyone does every little thing by the book
Fun Facts
The expression mache s-s comes from the idea of someone getting repeated orders to "go left" and "go right," which results in S or zigzag pattern.
Because walking in this way is repetitive, it shows submission and compliance from the one who is constantly getting orders to go left and right.