vwayhomestudioo/Envato Elements
Ki mirak
An expression that means What a miracle. Say it when reacting to something unexpected.
Translation: What a miracle! I can't believe it! No way!
Lteral Meaning: What miracle!
Example 1
Ki mirak ou rele m jodi a! Sa fè plizyè ane depi m tande vwa w.
What a miracle you called me today! It's been so many years since I heard your voice.
Example 2
Y ap vann yon bann chemiz gwo mak nan makèt la jodi a wi. Ki mirak!
They're selling a bunch of big-brand shirts in the market today. What a miracle!
A Simple Expression to Use
The expression Ki mirak is very similar to its English counterpart, What a miracle
Thus in most situations where you would normally say What a miracle in English, you can use the Creole expression Ki mirak.
Because of this, you can easily incorporate this expression into your conversations when speaking Haitian Creole with others. Of course, say it from the heart and with emotions for a greater impact.