vwayhomestudioo/Envato Elements
Gadon koze !
Something you say when you are reacting out of shock, disbelief, amazement, fear, etc.
Translation: What! I can't believe it! Oh my word!
Lteral Meaning: Look at a saying! Look at a statement!
Example 1
Gadon koze! Tony ap gade televizyon toujou? M pral fèmen l kounye a!
Oh my word! Tony is still waching TV? I'm going to turn it off now!
Example 2
M pa t panse mari t ap achte yon bèl kado konsa pou mwen. Gadon koze! Se pa ti kontan mwen kontan!
I didn't think my husband would buy a beautiful gift like that for me. I can't believe it! I am so happy!
Fun Facts
The expression gadon koze is actually a shorter, contracted version of the Haitian Creole phrase Gade yon koze.
This shortening of the words gade and yon possibly happened naturally as this phrase began to be used frequently as an expression.
Something similar occurs in English and other languages. For instance, the English colloquial term gonna comes from the words going to.