24 sou 24
All the time or 24/7
Translation: 24/7
Literal Meaning: 24 on 24
Example 1
Mwen vle biznis mwen an ouvri 24 sou 24, paske m pa vle rate okenn kliyan.
I want my business opened 24/7, because I don't want to miss out on any clients.
Example 2
Walner fè egzèzis 24 sou 24. Se sa k fè li gwo nèg konsa.
Walner does physical exercise all the time. That's why he's jacked like that.
Fun Facts
This experession also exists in French, and it has the same meaning. The French version of this experession is 24 sur 24. As you can see, it looks similar to its Haitian Creole counterpart.
Overall, feel free to use the expression 24 sou 24 in any situation you would typically say 24/7 in English. It's a simple expression to include in your converstions, since there many times you will have to emphasize that something is done all the time.