wayhomestudioo/Envato Elements
An expression you can use to show you are shocked or surprised. It can therefore mean, wow! or what!
Translation: Wow! What!?
Literal Meaning: My friends! (see fun facts below)
Example 1
Mezanmi! M pa ka kwè yo te genyen match la.
Wow! I can't believe they won the match.
Example 2
Mezanmi! Li te fè yon lòt aksidan!
What! She got in another accident!
Fun Facts
The Haitian Creole expression mezanmi comes from the french words mes amis, which actually mean my friends.
Like many other cultures, socializing with a group of friends is very common among Haitians, especially before the rise of social media.
Though not certain, it is possible that this experession came from the perspective of someone announcing to his or her close friends something shocking or surprising.
Overtime, this trend became a habit among the people, giving rise to the expression mezanmi.