monkeybusiness/Envato Elements
Aksidan pa gen klaksòn
Accidents come without warning.
Just like a vehicle without a horn is unable to warn others of its presence, accidents come without warning.
It is thus important to always be on the lookout.
Translation: Accidents don't have a horn (automobile horn).
Literal Meaning: Accidents don't have horn.
Example 1
Tanpri siveye timoun yo k ap monte eskalye a. Aksidan pa gen klaksòn.
Please watch over the kids who are going up the stairs. Accidents come without warning.
Example 2
Pa retire je w sout wout la Aksidan pa gen klaksòn.
Don't take your eyes off the road. Accidents come without warning.
Fun Facts
The word klaksòn means an automobile horn. The verb form, klaksonnen, means to blow or honk the horn.
The urban areas of Haiti often have a lot of vehicles and foot traffic. As such, people constantly blow the horn to avoid accidents.
Thus, the saying aksidan pa gen klaksòn is quite relatable to Haitians who have witnessed the busy streets of Haiti.