Dèyè mòn gen mòn
This expression means when a problem or obstacle in life ends, another one will surely follow.The lesson is there will always be tests and trials in life.
Translation: It's one problem after another!
Literal Meaning: Behind mountains there are mountains!
Example 1
Semèn pase mwen pèdi travay mwen. Kounye a y ap monte lwaye kay la. Dèyè mòn gen mòn!
Last week I lost my job. Now they are increasing the house rent. It's one thing after another!
Example 2
Doktè a fèk trete m pou kansè. Kounye yo di mwen gen yon enfeksyon. Dèyè mòn gen mòn!
The doctor just treated me for cancer, and now they say I have an infection. It's one thing after another!
Fun Facts
This saying may have been inspired by the fact that Haiti has a mountainous terrain.
Those who live in remote parts of Haiti are well accustomed to seeing or treking numerous mountains -- one after another.
Having realized life itself mirrors this reality, the people developed the saying dèyè mòn gen mòn over time.