Men anpil chay pa lou
A way of saying work is easier when people work together.
It corresponds to the English saying, many hands make light work.
Translation: Many hands make light work !
Literal Meaning: Hands many load not heavy !
Example 1
Mwen bezwen yon gwoup moun ki ka ede m netwaye izin sa a. Dayè, Men anpil chay pa lou!
I need a group of people who can help me clean this factory. After all, Many hands make light work!
Example 2
Omwen yon moun dwe ede m. Men anpil chay pa lou pa vre?
At least one person should help me. Many hands make light work Right?
Fun Facts
The saying Men anpil chay pa lou doesn't only mean working together to carry a heavy object.
As shown in the examples above, you can use it any time to make the point that a job is done more effectively when there is teamwork.
Thus, consider using this saying when you are working on a project with someone who speaks Haitian Creole.