What You Will Learn
You will learn how to pronounce the basic vowels.
You will learn how to pronounce more distinctive sounds such as ay, anm, enn, etc.
How to Pronounce the Basic Creole Vowels
- Pronouncing Creole vowels is simple because you can find similar sounds in some English words.
The illustration below shows how to pronounce basic Creole vowels.
Focus on the green letters, because they will help you to pronounce the vowels correctly.

How to Pronounce Vowels that End with "n"
- A few of these sounds hardly exist in English (highlighted).
- Please watch the video to hear how to pronounce them.
Many Creole vowels end with n.
Try to notice the difference between an, en, in and on.

How to Pronounce Other Vowel Sounds
- Pay close attention to the sounds ay and anm. They are very common in Creole.

A Few Things to Keep in Mind
1. The accented letter à is not shown as an individual letter in the first list of vowels because it is never used by itself. It is always used immediately before the letter n to make the sound àn.
2. The sound àn itself is very rare in Creole. It sounds somewhat like the name Ann or Anne. It is perhaps one of the rarest sounds in Creole.
To get an idea of how elusive it is, you might not see it even after reading many pages in a book written in Haitian Creole.