Here's What You Need to Know
You should pronounce Creole trailing letters as if they are combined with the word that they are next to.
This lesson shows you examples of how to do this.
How to Pronounce the Trailing Vowels
- The trailing sounds you need to focus on are a and an.
- They are always pronounced as if they are combined with the words that comes before them.
1. Li antre nan bato a chak mèkredi.
She enters the boat every Wednesday.
- Bato a is pronounced as bato-a

The trailing sounds a, an, k, l, m, n, t and w are common in Haitian Creole.
How to Pronounce the Trailing Consonants
- The trailing sounds to focus are k, l, m, n, t and w.
- They are always pronounced as if they are combined with the words that comes before or after them.
1. Demen l ap kuit anpil manje.
Tomorrow he will cook a lot of food.
- l ap is pronounced as l-ap
2. Demen mwen pral pote l lakay.
Tomorrow I am going to carry it home.
- Pote l is pronounced as Pote-l
It's Okay If You Err at First
Trailing sounds are tricky to get right at first, especially when you are reading Haitian Creole.
As you speak and immerse yourself, you will be surprised how this becomes easier overtime.
Meanwhile, please watch our video on trailing sounds to get a clear how idea of how they work